Dust Jacket by Gavin L. O'Keefe

RH w/DJ, 330 pp. $25 + $3 Shipping

Trade PB, 230 pp. $18 + $3 Shipping


Imagine you’re the richest man in the world, and all you have to do to claim your fortune is to show that you worked gainfully for 5 years.  That’s the situation that young Jeffrey Stillingfleete found himself in as the deadline for his father’s trust nears. But when a murder takes place at the Tippingdale Steel Mills, and Jeffrey is a suspect, his claim on the fortune is in danger. Not only does he have to find the real murderer, but he has to follow the clues that lead to the theft of a strange crimson cube, which may be behind the motive for the murder. It’s the kind of mystery that Harry Stephen Keeler, who used to work in a steel mill very much like Tippingdale, thrives on.


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