Cover by Gavin L. O'Keefe


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by Max Afford 


Freelance sleuth Jeffery Blackburn is called by his friend Rollo Morgan when there is a strange death at Rochester House, mansion of occult scholar Cornelius Rochester. Blackburn learns of a set of mannikins made up to resemble all of the members of the family and when the little dolls start showing up in the wrong places, the big people start dying! When Chief Inspector Read is called and gets together with Blackburn everyone gets paranoid and rightfully so. It's an impossible mystery that only Australian Max Afford could unravel.


Max Afford (1906 - 1954) was a noted journalist and radio dramatist. He wrote four classic impossible mysteries and Ramble House has published three of them so far. If you've never read any of this Australian author, you're in for a treat.


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