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by Ray Cummings

TIME COLUMN and taa the terrible

by Malcolm Jameson

Introduced by Richard A. Lupoff

Surinam Turtle Press #45


Richard A. Lupoff, an author known for his 12:01 stories of time repeating itself, has selected two stories of time travel by a couple of his favorite authors: Ray Cummings and Malcolm Jameson. The Man Who Mastered Time, by Cummings, is a serialized novel of a future inspired by H.G. Wells' classic, and Time Column, by Jameson, was written as WWII loomed. It's been unavailable for almost 75 years.

In addition to writing the introduction, Lupoff has added a short story from 1942 by Jameson called Taa the Terrible.

Available Editions 

    $6  Ebook (EPUB or MOBI) 

  $18 Trade Paperback 6" x 9"

$32  Hardcover with Dustjacket  6" x 9" 

 THE PERSONAL TOUCH  To get a discount e-mail flyingspiderster@gmail.com and give me your complete mailing address. Free shipping to US. We take PayPal.