Jacket design by Gavin L. O'Keefe


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The Weird Tales of Frederick C. Davis


Introduced by John Pelan


Dancing Tuatara Press #35


 Frederick C. Davis, as recounted in John Pelan's introduction, was an expert at delivering the lead story for pulp magazines. The lead story had to be a little longer and stronger than the rest of the stories and Davis filled the bill admirably. These eight weird menace tales will have you doubting your own sanity.


When the Bat Man Thirsts, Dime Mystery Magazine, March 1937

The Vat of Doom, Dime Mystery Magazine, January 1934

Goddess of Evil Revelry, Dime Mystery Magazine, December 1936

The Smiling Killer, Dime Mystery Magazine, January

Mistress of Satan’s Hounds, Terror Tales, May/June 1938

I Married a Madman, Dime Mystery Magazine, February 1938

Daughter of the Snake, Terror Tales, November/December 1936

Nameless Brides of Forbidden City, Uncanny Tales, April/May 1939


Available Editions 

  $6  Ebook (EPUB or MOBI) 

  $20 Trade Paperback 6" x 9"

 $35  Hardcover with Dustjacket  6" x 9"

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