Jacket design by Gavin L. O'Keefe


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L. Frank Baum


Illustrated by Gavin L. O'Keefe


Introduced by Fender Tucker    Afterword by Gavin L. O'Keefe


L. Frank Baum introduced this book to the world back in 1900 and since then it has become a classic and is known to just about everybody. But if you are like most, you will be remembering the 1939 film, which veered away from the book in many places. You owe it to yourself to re-read it to get the real story of Dorothy and her companions, and to make your journey even more enjoyable, Gavin O'Keefe has splashed his sinuous drawings throughout the book. Practically every other page is caressed by a shocking face or a satanic animal that bleeds across the gutter. Every character gets a full page portrait.


Gavin is the cover artist for just about all of the Ramble House books. The various styles that grace those 300+ covers are all represented in this classic children's book that will entertain everyone in the family for years to come.


Suitable for children of all ages*


Available Editions


$16  Trade Paperback (6" x 9"), 194 pages

This book is available at Amazon but I can offer you a discount and free (USA) or cost (elsewhere) shipping if you e-mail me with your order. We accept Paypal. flyingspiderster@gmail.com


*Unless they have dimwits for parents. Maybe a couple of tasteful nudes.