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Building Strange Temples



by Don Webb


In this rich and extensive collection of stories and verse, Don Webb weaves a colorful tapestry with threads derived from H.P. Lovecraft’s ‘Cthulhu Mythos’ works, the writings of William S. Burroughs, ancient mysticism, and much else. But, above all, Webb’s fictional creations—at times developed with collaborators—evince a singular vision that speaks not only to the millennial generation, but to veteran connoisseurs of eldritch horror and supernatural wonder.


What the cognoscenti say:


Nobody, and I mean nobody, has such a unique and varied, and frequently brilliant take on Lovecraftian influenced fiction as Don Webb. He somehow manages to strike the Lovecraftian mode with-out it being mere pastiche, and frankly, I like Webb’s work better than Lovecraft. He takes the best from the old master, but the clothes he makes it wear are gorgeous, darlin’.”

Joe R. Lansdale


“Originality is hard to come by, almost by definition, in the literary demimonde of Lovecraftian writers, but Don Webb is the go-to guy for revitalizing Lovecraft. Don’t miss out on this book!”

 John Shirley

author of Lovecraft Alive!


“With Building Strange Temples, Master Mage Don Webb has laid his unique binding seal upon the legacy of H. P. Lovecraft. He has leashed and commanded the squirming, bubbling, amorphous chaos that is the highly eclectic and inclusive twenty-first-century Cthulhu Mythos and elevated it to supernal heights. These touching, horrifying, comedic, bewildering, traditional, transgressive tales start from the foundational work of Lovecraft, Smith, Bloch and other classic authors and amplify their core conceits and tropes to realms previously unguessed-at. Whether set in Webb’s beloved Austin, on the borderlands of the Dreamworld, or in European climes; in the past, present or future; among the brilliantly delineated lowlifes, academics, bohemians or the bourgeois, these stories all exhibit Webb’s immense familiarity with the Mythos, his intense and fecund creativity, and his ability to plot like the demonic offspring of Rod Serling, M. R. James, Robert Louis Stevenson and Shirley Jackson. On the same plane as peers like Caitlín R. Kiernan and Nathan Ballingrud, Paul Tremblay and Jeffrey Thomas, Webb is a National Treasure, a one-man-army of Weirdness and Cool. Long may he continue to pullulate!

Paul Di Filippo

author of Cosmocopia, A Mouthful of Tongues, and others


Available Editions 


$23 Trade Paperback 6" x 9"

$6- E-book


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